Shipping & Returns
We ship worldwide! 🌍
Exact shipping costs are calculated at checkout but you can find a guide to price and estimated shipping times below. All shipping estimates are in business days.
Domestic (DE)
DHL Standard (2 - 4 days) | 3.9 € |
Postal Service (5 - 8 days) | 6.90 € |
Postal Service (7 - 15 days) | 6.90 € |
Postal Service (5 - 8 days) | 9.90 € |
For deliveries outside of the EU, customs clearance can currently take up to 30 business days.
Additional fees (tax, customs, import duties) may be charged. These costs are the responsibility of the customer.
*EU deliveries outside of the mainland may take up to 10 business days.
We hope you love your new purchase, but we understand that sometimes you might need to return something for a refund or exchange. Items can be returned to us within 14 days of receipt, as long as our returns policy (right of withdrawal) is followed.
If you received an incorrect or faulty item, please get in touch with us at so that we can solve the issue.
For all other returns, please contact us directly and send your parcel to the following address:
Kronprinzenstr. 76
13589 Berlin
At this time we are unable to offer free returns, other than for orders where an incorrect or faulty item was received.
Refunds are typically issued as soon as we receive your return, but due to current limitations and safety precautions, it may take up to 14 days after we receive your item.
If you have any issues, contact us at